New Book and New Adventures

Hi all,

It has been a long time since I blogged so I wanted to bring you up to date today. It has been a busy year with new ideas and new adventures.

The first is that I wrote a book with two wonderful collaborators called SAISONS La table végane (which means.. Seasons: The vegan table). One is my daughter, the New York based photographer Chloe Crane-Leroux and the other a wonderful chef by the name of Julie Zyromski. The book is filled with over 100 amazing vegan recipes and great lifestyle tips and ideas from setting tables to how to incorporate more plant based meals into your life. It is only in French right now but we are working with english publishers to get it out in a Canadian and US version.


Through the development of this book we also created a new brand called Meadow and Land. You should go there to discover our philosophy and our focus, which is all about bringing more attention, beauty and meaning to the table and to your life. We believe that so many of the most wonderful moments in life happen around the table and we help you find ways to make each meal meaningful and beautiful. 

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We started on this book two years ago, really just trying to find a way to be creative, without a publisher. We were not sure even that we would publish it but it was a way for us to do what we love and that is to set gorgeous tables, with great food, in picturesque settings. When I brought it to an editor friend she said "WOW" and off we went to the publisher. With much hard work over the past 5 months to complete the book we are launching it on November 16, 2017. I have to say it is like a baby and we are excited, scared, emotional and thrilled to bring it into the world.

Tonight we are being featured on a TV show in Quebec with a wonderful chef by the name of Josée Distasio. The program can be watched on line as of Monday October 30, 2017 on Telequebec. Some is in English with subtitles and some in French. We also have a month filled with the launch party, articles in the news, book signings and so much more. Keep an eye on my Instagram stories as well as Chloe (@chloecleroux) and Julie (@jzyromski) for updates. 

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I have been spending most of my time on my ceramics business this year and not much on design but my apartment has been used for many photo shoots, events and interviews this past year and I seem to still get a chance to talk about all my ideas on design somehow.

Thanks for following even though I have not been blogging over that past year. 


